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这道雅思口语真题讲的是关于鸟的,“What are the most popular birds in China and what meanings do they have?”

对于很多考生而言,相关话题也训练不少,但是真的要说国内某一种鸟的话,很多考生都不知道名字,要是强行加拼音说明的话,考官很容易误解你跑题。这时候考生应该利用转折句的技巧,可以说:“I don’t really know much about birds,but”.这时候考生可以延伸自己想说的内容,例如把养过宠物的经历换成养过鸟,把以前说过的和某某的友谊,可以换成和鸟的。总之就是延伸到你想说的话题。例如可以说“but one of my friends is crazy about birds, and he used to tell me...”这时候就可以完全避免老话题衍生的问题。

第二种雅思口语技巧就是替换一些地道的主语,避免重复使用Mr.,Miss或Mrs.很多考生都容易忽视这个问题,尤其是在自己描述过程中,很僵硬的对主语用he,she,they之类的指代。其实这样很容易让考官认为缺乏对英语的灵活掌握,或者说描述不够生动之类的。因此建议考生多背背一些形象生动的词汇,例如chubby指代小胖子,sunshine指代阳光男生,或者handsome guys之类的。我们通过下面例子来说明:

这道雅思口语真题讲的是描述一个有用的设备,“Describe a useful device in your daily life.”

这时候的主语变成了一个device,我们可以描述这个是一个怎么样的device,例“well, I am going to talk about my little girlfriend then…”这样用girlfriend代替device会很吸引考官的注意,接下来考生只需要说明一下“…my iPod, a very trendy mp3 player and also a very useful electronic device, which I would always take along with me wherever I go.”这样不仅能凸显device的重要性,还能增加陈述内容的丰富性。


Describe a time when you received money as a present

You should say:

Who gave it

When you received it

What you did with it

How you felt about it

雅思口语part 2范文

Ok, well I’m quite lucky in the fact that I’ve received money as a gift on quite a number of occasions, so it was kind of difficult deciding on which one to talk about. And so in the end I thought it would be easiest just to tell you about the most recent occasion, which was my last birthday.


And the money that was given to me was from my grandparents, which is what they often tend to do for my birthday, because they said to me that it’s probably best that I choose something for myself which I know I’ll like, instead of them choosing something which I might have no interest in at all. So as you can imagine, I was super happy, and was also really grateful to my grandparents for being so generous.


Anyway, regarding what I did with the money, well first of all, I spent some of it on a few new books, because I’m a bit of a bookworm, if truth be told, and whenever I have some money to spare, the first place I normally head to is the bookshop.


So that’s one thing, and as for what I did with the rest of the money, which was actually still quite a considerable amount, well, I thought it would be nice to take my friends out for a meal somewhere and celebrate my birthday with them. So we all went to a ho官方真题Officialt restaurant in the city centre and had a really great time together, although I should add that I wasn’t feeling too great the next morning, because my friends had made me drink a ridiculous amount during the dinner, so it took me about a day to recover!


Anyway, I thankfully still had a bit of money left over, so I decided to just put it in the bank for safekeeping. And that’s pretty much it, so thanks for listening.


雅思口语PART 3话题

In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?

Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money?

What do you think of the saying: love of money is the root of all evil?

Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?

What kinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?


Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet

You should say:

When it happened

What you were looking for

Where you were searching on the Internet

And how you felt about the information


The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Young generation now spends most of its time on the internet. Like others, I also use the internet for various purposes. Most of the time I see what my friends and family have posted on Whatsapp or Facebook.


Here, I would like to talk about a time when I searched for information about how to repair the computer. During the final year of my graduation, it was a Sunday evening and the next morning I had to submit a project in my college. The project was an application/ software which could be used for conducting online exams of students. I had already made that software so on that evening when I started my PC to check whether my software is working fine, the computer showed a blank screen. I restarted my computer many times but it was still showing a blank screen. I went to all local computer repair shops but because of Sunday, they all were close. So finally I thought of repairing it myself.


YouTube is the second largest search engine for all types of creative projects and solution for your problems. So I searched on YouTube “reasons of blank screen on the computer”. There were many people who were giving different reasons of why one can have a blank screen on the computer. Most of them suggested that before doing any major change in your computer hardware, first take the RAM out of your computer, clean it with a soft cloth or a rubber and then reinstall it. There are likely chances that your computer screen will start working. I did the same thing; I took the RAM out, cleaned it and then reinstalled it. After installing the RAM, I switched on my computer and everything started functioning normally the screen was on. It was a great relief for me because now I could check whether my online exam software was working as it should be.


I check it and it was working fine. On the next day, I went to the college and demonstrated my project to the teachers. So the internet gave me the solution to my problem and I was really happy on that day.


雅思口语PART 3话题

What ways can people get information these days?

What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?

What are some of the advantages of internet?

Internet has surely come up with great advantages to offer all of us. Firstly, it allows for free communication with people far off from us. You see, it is very easy to know how your friends miles away from you is actually. Also, internet provides us with information regarding anything and everything. There are so many people writing about so many things and often people share their experiences helping others stuck in the same issue. Internet surely has made the world a smaller and a better place.互联网无疑为我们提供了巨大的优势。首先,它允许与远离我们的人进行自由交流。你看,很容易就能知道你的朋友离你有多远。此外,互联网为我们提供了关于任何事情的信息。有如此多的人在写如此多的东西,而且人们经常分享他们的经历,帮助别人在同一个问题上。互联网无疑使世界变得更小、更美好。

What according to you are the disadvantages of Internet?

No doubt, internet is over whelming and it does provides us with everything but then I believe it is very addictive as well. I have seen people getting stuck to it and hence spending so much less time with their family and friends. Also, with youtube and facebook, it is observed that people are becoming more addictive to them and less efficient at work.毫无疑问,互联网已经超越了它,它确实为我们提供了一切,但我相信它也会让人上瘾。我看到人们被困在那里,因此花在家人和朋友身上的时间少得多。此外,在youtube和facebook上,人们发现,人们对他们的吸引力越来越大,工作效率也越来越低。

Do you think writing emails has strenghtend or weakened people’s writing skills?

I would say, it has strengthened people’s writing skills. Now, people are more aware that the email gets stored and can be used as proof, they make sure that the language written is proper. So, too an extent yes, email writing has surely helped people improve their formal writing skills.

I think there has been no such difference in the writings skills of the individuals. People who could earlier write great applications are able to write good emails but the ones who lagged behind their, still are not able to manage writing good emails.



What are some of the disadvantages of emails?

Emails have surely made our lives simpler, but I think they have taken the fun of waiting. It was not the letter that made it special but its wait that made it more special. With emails, instant talking is possible taking away the entire fun. Also, there is a security issue with emails. If some hacker is able to get through your mail id, one has no idea what havoc can be created.电子邮件无疑让我们的生活更简单,但我认为他们已经享受了等待的乐趣。不是这封信使它变得特别,而是它的等待使它变得更特别。通过电子邮件,即时聊天可能会带走整个乐趣。此外,电子邮件也存在安全问题。如果某个黑客能够通过你的邮件id,你就不知道会造成什么样的破坏。




